Archive for June 8, 2011

World Oceans Day

by Liz

Today is World Oceans Day.  It is a day spent to raise awareness of ocean preservation and was started in Canada but not recognized internationally until 2009.

Look how beautiful the ocean can be!

So let’s raise awareness!  The effects of ocean pollution are:

  • On fish – Ocean pollution causes the depletion of fish species as well as the population of fish has declined drastically.  Overfishing has a lot to do with this as well.  So only eat sustainable fish and use environmentally friendly cleaning products and be aware of where your waste goes.
  • On animals and birds – Ocean pollution like oil spills causes both marine mammals and birds to have a layer of oil on them which interferes with their insulation making it harder for them to adapt to temperature fluctuations.  It also decreases the population in various animals with fish depletion there is not enough food for some birds and animals to eat enough.
  • On humans – Ocean pollution does not necessarily have a direct effect on humans like it does animals and fish but indirectly it can cause a lot of trouble for humans.  Not only will we have less fish to eat but the pollution can eventually cause possible food poisoning, baby deformities and it can also change the natural cycle of the planet.  So try not to use plastic as plastic is one of the number one pollutants in the oceans.

Here is a you tube video with a lot of great statistics and interesting information about our oceans, definitely worth a watch!

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